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导师RG是一款1RU信号同步、测试和时钟发生器,适用于基于SDI和ip的混合环境. 它提供IEEE-1588 PTP参考以及更传统的黑突发和三电平同步信号. 该信号参考发生器参考GPS天线系统以建立时间码, which is then passed on to the mission-critical automation system. 两个导师RG发生器和一个转换器用于冗余,以确保准确的参考信号. 利用GPS提供了一种非常稳定和强大的方法,可以精确锁定多个火炮,也可以控制单位的LTC, VITC and NTP outputs. 精确的GPS引用由导师RG内部接收器模块管理, or by locking to an external source of 1pps and NMEA serial data. 525和625标准同时生成所有SD和HD参考和测试信号, 具有独立定时控制的所有输出,以满足最苛刻的要求. The 导师RG pays special attention to multiple audio generators assignable for AES audio and DARS; embedded audio in the SD/HD channels; Wordclock; and Analog stereo audio. Up to ten Tri-Level Sync outputs for all 720 and 1080 standards. 两个TLS输出作为基本单元的标准配置,两个选项卡可以使其达到10个. 三电平同步是模拟视频同步脉冲,通常用于高清视频信号的锁定,在高清环境中比黑和爆发更受欢迎. 直观的前面板控件允许立即访问所有重要的设置,而矢量编辑器软件提供了从您的组织中的任何网络连接位置的所有参数的深入管理.  


  • Precision Time Protocol IEEE-1588 PTP grandmaster
  • Compact 1RU rack mount format
  • Multiple video and audio formats in one box
  • Provides Gigabit Time Code Signaling for Network Devices
  • Simultaneous 525/625 and HD Tri-Level Sync outputs
  • Highly accurate GPS reference for synchronization and timecode
  • Vector web-browser setup and monitoring tool
  • Redundant PSU option
  • Add upgrades and options without return to factory
  • Generates synchronized audio and video
  • Redundant units with changeover
  • Dual Ethernet 1Gb Ports for Control/Management and PTP



360-00-07: 导师RG Signal Reference and Test Signal Generator

Optional Module Boards:

360-09-05: 导师RG Redundant 权力 Supply Module

360-16-01-RG:  导师RG Tri-Level Sync Board

360-20-00: 导师RG HD-SDI Output Board

360-15-12:  导师RG Time Reference GPS Board


导师RG Features (some features require optional items):

• Vector management software

• 5 x Black Burst or 3 x Black Burst and 2 x Tri-Level Sync

• 10/27MHz /Wordclock out


• Genlock with loopthrough

• LTC and Tri-Level Sync reference input

• 3 x SDI Black with 4 channels of embedded AES silence

•2个AES-3 (DARS)

• SD and HD-SDI test patterns

• Analog and AES test tones


• VITC and DVITC embedded timecode

•国家结核控制规划 & 经由服务器


• General Purpose Input/Output (谷歌价格指数/O)

• 4 x O/P Tri-Level Sync module

• 4 x O/P HD/3G module

• Redundant 权力 Supply

• Smart GPS antenna system

• Dual Ethernet 1Gb Ports for Control/Management and PTP


市电输入× 2: 100 - 240V AC, 50 - 60Hz, auto select

能源消耗: 60 va马克斯. (depending on number of option boards fitted)

内部融合: 3.15A


Operating temperature range: 32° to 122°F (0 to 50°C)

Storage temperature range: -4° to 140°F (-20° to 60°C)

工作湿度: 20 to 90% at 104°F/40°C non-condensing


19 x 1.75 x 17英寸(WxHxD)

(483 x 44 x 433毫米)


没有选择板: 8.8磅(4公斤)

选择板: 最大11磅(5公斤


In addition to the standard features found in the base unit, Mentor RG has positions for 3 option boards, nominally assigned as:

  • 三电平同步板,具有4个独立定时输出,可选择任何高清视频格式.
  • 高清测试信号板,每个有4个独立定时输出和可选择的帧格式.
  • GPS Receiver with 1pps output + 2 unbalanced AES.
  • 导师RG Master/Slave Sync Pulse Generator.
  • PTP/IEEE-1588 compatible via keycode option.
  • Includes Vector Remote Configuration Browser.
  • Base unit supplied with single power supply.


  • Genlock loop through
  • 10/5MHz /参考输入
  • 5 x black/burst (outputs 4&5可切换到TLS)
  • 3 × SD-SDI黑色
  • 27/10MHz/Word Clock output





增加独立的音频音调发生器模拟,AES和嵌入式SDI输出. 采样率, amplitude and audio frequency are all selectable, with the option of interrupted tone for channel identification.



  • Horizontal or vertical 4 line scrolling text ident.
  • Moving markers to indicate ‘live’ video.
  • Color bars and pathological test.
  • Lip Sync signal to expose video or audio delays within a signal path.
  • 清洁孔径信号,以确保不显示出的图像伪影.



HD测试使任何基本单元3 SDI或Black输出能够独立配置高清测试信号.


作为标准,该功能提供所有视频格式的FUBK模式. 其他测试模式可以导入并以位图格式存储,以用于自定义测试应用程序.


双LTC输出与VITC / DVITC可以锁定到可选的GPS接收器或NTP. In picture timecode may also be optionally displayed in any test signal.

Network Time Protocol (NTP)

NTP服务器选项允许导师RG作为其他广播设备的高度准确和稳定的时间源, 而客户端选项可以用来锁定“从”炮到“主”炮.

Precision Time Protocol (PTP)

PTP服务器选项允许导师RG作为AES67或DANTE IP网络的高度精确和稳定的时间源. The user has the option to be a PTP master clock or slave.


This provides remote monitoring of power supplies, 使用SNMP网络监控标准锁定状态和外部参考输入的存在.



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